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  • Establishment means: Native
  • Taxonomic rank: Form
  • Lifeforms: Insects
  • Taxon group: insect - hymenopteran



Showing 41 - 60 of 91 results
  1. Andricus quercuscalicis f. sexual (Burgsdorf, 1783)

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

  2. Andricus quercuscorticis f. agamic (Linnaeus, 1761) – Bark-gall Causer

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

  3. Andricus quercuscorticis f. sexual (Linnaeus, 1761) – Bud-gall Causer

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

    The Bud-gall Causer

  4. Andricus quercusradicis f. agamic (Fabricius, 1798) – Truffle Gall Causer

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

  5. Andricus quercusradicis f. sexual (Fabricius, 1798) – Knot Gall Causer

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

  6. Andricus quercusramuli f. agamic (Linnaeus, 1761) – Autumn-gall Causer

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

    The Autumn-gall Causer

  7. Andricus quercusramuli f. sexual (Linnaeus, 1761) – Cottonwool Gall Causer

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

    Cotton-wool Gall Causer

  8. Andricus rhyzomae f. agamic (Hartig, 1843)

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

  9. Andricus rhyzomae f. sexual (Hartig, 1843)

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

  10. Andricus seminationis f. agamic (Giraud, 1859) – Spindle Gall Causer

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

  11. Andricus seminationis f. sexual (Giraud, 1859)

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

  12. Andricus singularis f. sexual Mayr, 1870

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

  13. Andricus solitarius f. agamic (Fonscolombe, 1832) – Hairy-spindle Gall Causer

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

  14. Andricus solitarius f. sexual (Fonscolombe, 1832)

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

  15. Andricus testaceipes f. agamic Hartig, 1840 – Red Barnacle Gall Causer

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

    Red Barnacle-gall Causer

  16. Andricus testaceipes f. sexual Hartig, 1840 – Leaf-vein Gall Causer

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

  17. Aphelonyx cerricola f. agamic (Giraud, 1859)

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

  18. Biorhiza pallida f. agamic (Olivier, 1791)

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

  19. Biorhiza pallida f. sexual (Olivier, 1791) – Oak-apple Causer

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial

  20. Callirhytis bella f. sexual (Dettmer, 1930)

    Form, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial