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  • Establishment means: Native
  • Taxonomic rank: Phylum
  • Lifeforms: Plants

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Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results
  1. Bryophyta – Moss

    Phylum, Moss, Terrestrial

    Bryophyte, Bryophytes, Mosses and Liverworts, còinneach, còinnich

  2. Charophyta Cavalier-Smith

    Phylum, Alga, Marine, terrestrial

  3. Chlorophyta – Green Alga Sp.

    Phylum, Alga, Marine, terrestrial

    Filamentous green algae, Green alga, Green algae, Green crusts, Green filamentous algae, Green foliose algae

  4. Glaucophyta

    Phylum, Alga, Terrestrial

  5. Magnoliophyta Cronquist, Takhtajan & W. Zimmermann, 1966

    Phylum, Flowering plant, Marine

  6. Marchantiophyta – Liverwort

    Phylum, Liverwort, Terrestrial

    lus an àirneig, cuilse aibheach, cuilsean aibheach, duilleagag a' chruithneachd

  7. Pteridophyta – Pteridophyte

    Phylum, Fern, Terrestrial

  8. Rhodophyta – Dark red crusts

    Phylum, Alga, Marine, terrestrial

    Encrusting red algae (non calcareous), Red alga, Red algae, Red encrusting algae (non calcareous), Red filamentous algae, Red foliose algae, Red seaweed

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